Business Membership

Join a growing community of arts supporters with a Harris Center business membership. This opportunity is an excellent way to promote your business, network with patrons, and offer incentives to your team. We have two levels of business membership: Enterprise and Executive. Memberships are annual and span May 1 through April 30 each year.
Enterprise Business Membership ($1,200)
- Invitation to backstage tour and information kick-off event
- Exposure to Harris Center patron base (over 100,000 visitors annually)
- Listed on Harris Center Business Members website page with logo
- Listed on Harris Center lobby donor wall with logo
- Business owner (or designee) access to exclusive ticket pre-sales before the general public
- Opportunity to reserve and purchase a block of seats
- Business owner (or designee) access to Founder's Room before Stage One shows
- Invitation to all Art of Wine pre-show member wine receptions (must have tickets to show to attend)
- Tax deductible, less $150 fair market value
Executive Business Membership ($2,500)
- All Executive Business Membership benefits
- Promotional opportunity at one Art of Wine reception
- Promote your business with a table and a giveaway option
- Recognition and introduction given before reception entertainment
- Expanded feature on Harris Center Business website page
- Link to your website
- Option to feature a promotion in one monthly member newsletter
- Expanded feature on Harris Center lobby donor wall
- QR code to your website
- Option to participate in the Harris Center's Annual Season Showcase event for 850 participants and 30 volunteers
- Table in the lobby to promote your business
- Featured in Showcase printed program
- On-stage acknowledgment
- Invitation to annual VIP Visionary Donor Dinner
- Tax deductible, less $200 fair market value
Current Business Members
Thank you to our Business Members: