Current Exhibit

- Exhibition: Friday, January 24, through Sunday, March 23
- The Folsom Lake College Visual Arts Department is proud to host this exhibition displaying the artworks of area high school students chosen by their art instructors. This show celebrates the creativity of young artists in various media and provides an opportunity for area high school students to showcase their art in a college gallery.
Visiting the Gallery
The Bank of America Gallery hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from 12:00 to 4:00 pm, during the Fall and Spring semesters (these hours are not available during the summer semester or during winter break), as well as one hour before, and during intermission of performances in Stage One at the Harris Center, or by appointment through emailing FLC Art Professor Marisa Sayago at sayagom@flc.losrios.edu.
Admission is free, and daily parking permits cost $2 and can be purchased from designated kiosks.
Upcoming Art Exhibitions
- Annual FLC Student Art Show, March 28 through May 11, 2025
- Álvaro Alejandro López de la Peña, De Natura Libris Exhibition, Photography, May 16 through August 17, 2025
- 25th Annual FLC Visual Arts Faculty Exhibition, August 29 through October 12, 2025
Mission and History
The Bank of America Gallery, located in Harris Center for the Arts, is an important visual and cultural forum. The Gallery exhibits quality and culturally diverse artwork in support of the students' education and the community at large. The Gallery is dedicated to:
- Sustaining and promoting the visual arts through exhibitions and programming.
- Enriching the cultural life of the campus, the local community, and the Sacramento and Sierra Foothills region.
- Providing local and statewide leadership in the exhibition of the visual arts by regional, national, and international artists.
- Enhancing visual literacy and critical thinking while encouraging high standards of artistry and craft.
- Fusing Folsom Lake College's instructional programs in the Arts and Humanities directly to the cultural vitality of the community.
In fulfilling its mission, the Bank of America Gallery hosts exhibits of work by students, faculty, community-based artists and artists of national and international note. Exhibits rotate every 6-8 weeks throughout the year.
Bank of America made a significant contribution to the Harris Center Capital Campaign that helped support construction of the Arts Center. In recognition of this gift, this space was named the Bank of America Gallery. Bank of America has an extensive art collection and, as part of its relationship with Harris Center, has offered to make curated exhibits from its collection available for display from time to time. The first exhibit at Harris Center was a photography show provided by Bank of America from its art collection.
For more information about the gallery, contact sayagom@flc.losrios.edu.